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Early Childhood Educators

Thank you for being part of the EDUQ-CMV family!

Here you'll find information on how to take a saliva sample, how to send it and what happens to your samples.

Study video

Video explaining the study to educators.

Important information
Saliva collection - FEDEX shipments

1. When is the best time to collect my saliva sample? FEDEX will only pick up saliva samples on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or at the latest, Thursday morning. FEDEX will NOT pick up samples on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday. If you cannot send us your saliva sample by Thursday morning at the latest, please wait until Sunday night or Monday morning to collect it, and notify us via the Study platform so we can plan for FEDEX to pick it up. If possible, please plan to collect and ship your saliva in the morning. If you decide to collect your saliva at night, please prepare the FEDEX envelope and leave it on a counter or table. Do not put the sample in the refrigerator. Bring the FEDEX envelope to the daycare the next morning, where FEDEX will pick it up.

2. Where will FEDEX pick up my sample every month? At the DAYCARE: Ideally, on the day of the collection or the day after, please bring your FEDEX envelope to be picked up at the daycare where you work. Please indicate “Daycare” online when asked where FEDEX should pick up the sample. The EDUQ-CMV Team will be notified via the Study platform that the envelop is ready and will make sure FEDEX picks it up. Leave the FEDEX envelope where you were directed by your daycare administrator. At ANOTHER location: Exceptionally, if you cannot bring the envelope to the Daycare to be picked up by FEDEX, please indicate “Other” in the form, online and we will arrange to contact you to find out where exactly FEDEX should pick up the envelope. Do not change the address on the FEDEX envelop even if you end up asking for the envelop to be picked up at another location. Leave the FEDEX envelope exactly where you told us you would leave it. The EDUQ-CMV Team will make sure FEDEX picks it up.

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