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If you need additional information, do not hesitate to reach out! Our team is here to assist you and answer any questions you may have.
Are you a study participant?
If you are a participant and would like specific information, please contact a member of the study team for your area. He will gladly support you throughout your participation.
Contact CHU Sainte-Justine
Principal investigator: Dre Isabelle Boucoiran
Research nurses: Sophie Perreault & Mélanie Desjardins
Research assistant: Laurie Phesans
Contact CHU of Québec - ULaval
Principal investigator : Dr Emmanuel Bujold
Research nurse: Josée Mailhot
418 525-4444, ext. 46042
Research assistant: Catherine Perreault
418-525-4444, ext. 46232
Contact CHU Sherbrooke
Principal investigator: Dre Annie Ouellet
Research nurse: Virginie Bouchard
819-346-1110, ext. 70145
Research assistant: Line Boutet
819-346-1110, ext. 70100
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